Our award-winning Veterinarian and Chief of Staff, Dr. Ronald W. Stone, host of the “Pets Are People, Too” radio show, is a former Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Miami’s School of Medicine. Below is a brief list of some of his professional accomplishments.
During his thirty-year career he has served as:
- President of the South Florida and Lake County Veterinary Medical Associations
- Executive Secretary for three national veterinary associations, including the prestigious Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society.
- For ten years he chaired the Animal Care Committee of the famous Miami Heart Institute
- Is a distinguished member of “Who’s Who in Veterinary Medicine.”
Dr. Stone’s career is marked by a vast amount of experience and accomplishments. Some of these are listed below.

Professional Degrees
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Zootecnics
Current Position
- Chief of Staff, The Veterinary Trauma Center, Groveland, Florida
Past positions held
- Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery
University of Miami School of Medicine
Miami, Florida (1988 – 1990) - Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine
University of Miami School of Medicine
Miami, Florida (1985 – 1988) - Hospital Director and Chief of Staff
The Knowles Animal Hospital
Miami, Fl. (6/1985-1992) - President and Chief of Staff
The All Pets Veterinary Group Inc.
Miami, Fl. (1992-2001) - Chief of Emergency Service
All Pets Veterinary Group
*serviced seven All Pets’ practices plus 20 other
practices in the county.
(1990 – 2001 ) - Chief of Surgical Services
All Care Animal Hospital
Minneola, Fl. 34755
(2/2002-7/2003) - Veterinary Consultant
The Elexis Corporation
(Bioelectronic pet products)
Miami, Florida (1986-2001) - President
Lake County Veterinary Medical Association
(2003-2007) - Veterinary Technical Consultant
Rowland and Baker Company
*Pet nutritionals manufacturer
Miami, Florida (1994-2001) - Secretary, American Association of Pet Industry Veterinarians
(1991 to 1997) - President of the Student Chapter of the Mexican Small Animal
Veterinary Medical Association (AMMVEPE), (1979) - Student intern
Small Animal Clinic, National Autonomous
University of Mexico (1979) - Staff Veterinarian
Clinica Veterinaria Garcia, Mexico,
(7/1979-12/1979) - Associate Veterinarian
The Knowles Animal Hospital
(4/1980-6/1985) - Secretary
South Florida Veterinary Medical Association
- President
South Florida Veterinary Medical Association
(1984-1985) - Executive Secretary
Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Society
(1985-1990) - SFVMA Representative
to Dade County Interprofessional Council
(1981) - Chairman Ethics Committee
South Florida Veterinary Medical Association
(1982-1984) - SFVMA Representative
FVMA Committee on Veterinary Technicians
(1983) - Chairman
Animal Care Committee, Miami Heart Institute
Miami, Florida
(1985-1994) - Attending Veterinarian to the K-9 Corps of the Cities of Miami (1980-1989), Hialeah, South Miami (1980-1996), Miami Shores, Surfside (1980-present), South Florida Department of Corrections (1988-1990).
- Veterinary Medical Director
State of Florida Approved Veterinary Assistant Program,
The Medical Arts Training Center,
Hollywood, Florida
(1987-1991) - Co-Owner/Director
The Pet Care Clinic of Doral, Doral Plaza,
Miami, Florida
(1987-1991) - Veterinary Representative
Veterinary Representative of the Health Care Committee of the
The “Miami We Will Rebuild Project”
(9/1993-12/1993) - Membership Committee Chairman
South Florida Veterinary Medicin Association
(1992-1993) - Executive Secretary and Co-founder
American Canine Sports Medicine Association
Member, Board of Directors
(1995-1996) - Dade County’s Disaster Relief Team,
Committee Chairperson for Mobile
Surgical Units and Disaster Referral Hospitals, (1994-1997) - Member Board of Directors SFVMA
Teaching and Other Related Work Experience
- Equestrian instructor
Camp Greenwoods, Lake of the Woods, Michigan
Summer 1973 - Animal Health Technician for Dr. Carlos Garcia Alcaraz
Clinica Veterinaria Garcia,
Mexico City, (Dec.1974- July 1979) - Part time Animal Health Technician assisting Major Raul Armendariz
MVZ, National Military Equitation School
Mexico City, (1977-1978) - Developed and directed a State approved Veterinary Medical Assistant Program
The Medical Arts Training Center Technical School
Margate, Florida
(1987-1991) - Trained Dade County
Florida’s Animal Control Officers on Emergency First Aid Care for their governmental certification
(1990-1992) - Trainer for Florida Department of Prof. Regulation
in techniques of Veterinary malpractice investigation
(1992) - Co-supervisor for St. George’s College of Vet. Medicine’s externship program
at All Care Animal Hospital
(2003) - Assistant Instructor
American Dragon Martial Arts Academy
Winter Garden, Florida
Past Research Projects:
- From 1981 to 2001 supervised clinical field trials at the Knowles animal Hospital/All Pets Veterinary Group (Miami) for the following companies:
- Norden Laboratories on their Filaribits Plus tablets prior to market introduction.
- Norden Laboratories on the effect of Filaribits Plus on liver enzymes-1989.
- The Elexis Company on the effect of ultrasound on fleas and the ultrasonic flea collar clinical efficacy. A total of eight studies from 1983 to 1990.
- Immunotechnology Inc. on the product ImmunoRegulin in 1982
- Norden Laboratories on their Feline Leukemia test, 1988
- Clinical evaluation of Naxcel for the Upjohn Co. for a field trial study
- Conducted field trial for Goodwinol Company on Rotenone Shampoo Therapy (released as Goodwinol Shampoo )
- Evaluation for the Vetrep Company, New York, NY., on the efficacy of “Save The Baby” on dogs and cats. This product was later reintroduced to the veterinary market as Respirol in 1988. I wrote the drug insert for Respirol.
- Assisted Dr. Robert P. Knowles with a clinical study on the efficacy of the “K-Zyme” food additive, 1985.
- Performed clinical studies for the Elexis Company on the “Coach” pulse monitor, 1987 to 1988.
- Performed clinical evaluation on the electronic antibark collar (developed at
Texas A&M) for the Elexis Corporation, (Later International Microtech) Miami, Florida - Assisted Vetrep Group Marketing (New York) on the production of a national marketing survey of the veterinary surgical and pharmaceutical supply industry.
- Performed Diabetes research for the Morris Foundation involving Beta Cell transplantation, in conjunction with the University of Miami, 1984-1988.
- Additional clinical evaluation of “Respirol” use in small animals for Vettree Inc. 1989
- Conducted clinical evaluation on “Security Force” dog repeller for Elexis, October 1991.
- Conducted evaluation of “Sonic Fence” for Elexis Corp., March 1993.
Recognition's, Honors and Awards
- Illinois State Scholar, 1970
- Bachelor of Science with Honors, University of Illinois,
College of Agriculture1974 - Certificate of Appreciation from AMMVEPE, 1978 for role as Student President
A.0. Osteosynthesis Accredited at National Autonomous U. of Mexico, in conjunction with The Ohio State University, 1979 - Certificate of Appreciation, City of Miami 1981, 1986
- Certificate of Appreciation, City of Hialeah 1982, 1983, 1985, 1989, 1991
- Who’s Who in Veterinary Medicine 1987/88
- Who’s Who in Veterinary Medicine 1991/92
- Global Driectory of Who’s Who, 2006
- Qualified to sit for 1st specialty board examination for the ACVECC, 1990
- USDA accredited for Florida, October 1981-Present
- Certificate of Appreciation from VECCS for service as Exec. Sec. 1990
- B.O.P.-SERTL Certified, October 1991.
- Plaque of Appreciation for 20 year service to Miami Shores K-9 unit, 2000
- Certificate of Appreciation for presenting Keynote lecture at 2003 Mexican
- National Veterinary Medical convention
- Certificate of Appreciation, Rhodesian Ridgeback Association, Feb. 25, 2004
- Awarded 1st Dan black belt rank in Jung Do kwon, World Tae Kwon Do Federation, 1999
- Awarded 2nd Dan black belt rank in Jung Do Kwon Tae Kwon Do, July 2004
- Ist Dan Black ranked in Hae Mu Kwan Hapkido March 2006
- Awarded Bronze medal at 1974 “Big Ten University” Judo competition, Brown Belt ranked in Judo, USJA
Member, Strathmore’s Who’s Who” , 2006 - Honored member in Global Directory of Who’s Who, 2006.
- Golden Spur Award nominee for Western Writers of America, 2007 for novel Trail Hand
- Awarded 2nd Dan black belt rank in HaeMUKwan Hapkido, November 2007
- Awarded 3rd and 4th Dan (Master level) black belt rank in Hapkido, Feb. 2010
- Awarded Master Instructor License from the Korean Martial Arts Instructors Association,
Professional Organizations
- Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Society, (member since 1980), Executive Secretary 1986 to 1990
- South Florida Veterinary Medical Association, member 1980-2001 Secretary 1980-1981, Chairman Ethics Committee 1982-1984, President 1984-1985, past membership chairman, past technicians committee chairman, pastdiaster relief committee chairman
- American Veterinary Medical Association, member
- Florida Veterinary Medical Association, member
- American Academy of Allergy, member
- American Heartworm Society, member
- Associacion de Medicos Veterinarios Cubanos en el Exilio, Honorary member
- Associacion de Medicos Veterinarios Mexicanos Expecialistas en Pequenas Especies, and past student chapter president , 1979, honorary life member
- American Veterinary Dental Society, member
- American Veterinary Academy of Disaster Medicine, member
- American Association of Pet Industry Veterinarians
- American Canine Sports Medicine Association
- Lake County Veterinary Medical Association, member
Advisory Consultant Positions
- Advisory Consultant Positions:
- Consulting Veterinarian to Miami Heart Institute Research Department,
- April 1980-1981
• Consulting Veterinarian to Merieux Institute of Miami Animal Research Department, 1980-1982
• Combined Veterinary Consulting (expert witness service) - Elexis Corporation, technical veterinary staff consultant, 1985-2001
- Vetrep Marketing (New York), technical consultant, 1988-1989
• Ciba-Geigy Co., Animal Health Care Spokesman, 1991
• Rowland and Baker, technical veterinary staff consultant, 1994-2001
• American On Line, (AOL) listed as a cross training human respondent disaster consultant, 1995 to 1997
Educational Presentations to Professional Organizations
- Assistant for Wet Lab at Annual Meeting of the Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Society in San Antonio, 1981.
- Presented talk and video on Cardiac Pacemaker Implantation to the VECCS at the Annual Meeting, 1984.
- Presented talk on “The Use of Glucometers in Small Animal Practice”, VECCS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, 1987.
- Participated as instructor and organizer for Wet Lab of Annual Meeting of VECCS in Phoenix, Arizona, 1987.
- Participated as one of Wet Lab instructors at 15′Annual Symposium of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care, San Antonio, Texas, September 1988.
- Lecturer at the First Annual Memorial Workshop on Medical Writing honoring former Miami Herald freelancer Fraser Kent-February 4, 1989-at the Southeastern Osteopathic Medical College. Discussed animal AIDS research.
- Organized and presented two day seminar on Intensive Care (with wet labs) for Florida Veterinary Technicians at Sheraton Execuport Hotel and Medical Arts Training Center, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, December 2-3, 1989.
- Addressed Lima, Ohio Veterinary Medical Association, Tuesday, April 9, 1990. Topic: “Heartworm Prevention and Uses of Mibemycin Oxime.”
- Organized and lectured at two day seminar on Traumatology and Surgical
- Stapling Techniques (with wet labs) at Sheraton Execuport Hotel and Medical
- Arts Training Center, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, April 28-29, 1990, together with
- Dr. Dennis T. Crowe, Jr. (sponsored by U.S. Surgical Corp.).
- Participated as Wet Lab instructor at 2 nd International VECCS Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, 1990.
- Presented lecture to Syracuse, New York Veterinary Medical Association,
- February 27, 1991 about Use of Milbemycin Oxime for Parasite Control
- Presented lecture to Albany, New York Veterinary Medical Association,
- February 28, 1991 about Use of Milbemycin Oxime.
- Organized and presented two day Veterinary Assistant Seminar on Surgical and
- Dental Nursing together with Dr. Jan Bellows, ACVD, June 1-2, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
- Addressed the Florida State Veterinary Medical Association meeting, Practice Tip Session, 1983, 1984.
- Presented abstract on clinical double blind study to test the effectiveness of the Elexis Ultrasonic Flea Collar to the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists at the AVMA Annual Convention in Orlando, 1989.
- Presented an abstract on Laboratory Research of the Ultrasonic Effects on Fleas to the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists at the AVMA Annual Convention in Orlando, 1989.
- Presented Practice Tip session-Use of Pigskin Grafting in Veterinary Medicine-2 nd International VECCS Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, 1990.
- Presented Practice Tip session-Sliding Foot Pad Grafting Techniques in Small Animals-2 “d International VECCS Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, 1990.
- Member of four person panel addressing Annual Meeting of American Association of Pet Industry Veterinarians-Discussed treatment protocols for puppy/kitten care.
- Presented lecture on “Field First Aid for the Sporting Dog”–l st Annual Meeting, ACSMA, Boston, 1992.
- Addressed Cuban Veterinary Medical Association in Exile, Miami, Florida. Presented two hour lecture on “Probiotics,” February 1, 1995
- International Invitations to Provide Educational Presentations and Instruction: As senior veterinary student I presented paper on “Glaucoma in Dogs” to
Annual Convention of the Mexican Small Animal Veterinary Medical Association, Mexico City, Mexico. Selected as outstanding senior paper, 1978. - Presented two lectures to Mexican Small Animal Veterinary Association on Peritoneal Dialysis and Ear Surgery, Acapulco, 1981.
- Addressed the Cuban Veterinary Medical Association in Exile’s Annual National Meeting concerning Critical Care of the Renal Patient, Dialysis and Pacemaker Implantation, Miami, 1984.
- Presented two day seminar on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Mexico, October 1988 (with wet lab).
- Presented two lectures to Mexican Small Animal Veterinary Medical Association (AMMVEPE) on Plastic Surgery, May 1990 Annual Meeting.
- Presented four hours of lectures on Probiotics to Mexico City Veterinary Association, June 1990.
- Presented six hours of lectures on Emergency Medicine October 27-28, 1990, Guadalajara Small Animal Veterinary Medical Association.
- Presented lecture to Cuban Veterinary Medical Association (in exile) November 20, 1990 on Interceptor TM for Ciba-Geigy Co., Miami, Florida.
- Presented four hours of lectures to Mexico City Small Animal Veterinarian Association on “Probiotics in Small Animal Medicine” April 16, 1994, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Presented three day seminar on Emergency Medicine in Juarez, Mexico to regional association, November 11-13, 1994.
- Presented seminars to Veterinary Medical Assoc. of San Paulo and Rio De Janeiro – Brazil April 2001 Topic Probiotic usage in Small Animal Practice
- Presented seminar on Probiotics to Costa Rican Veterinary Medical Association – June 2001
- Presented 8 hours of lectures on Surgery and Small Animal Practice at annual convention of the Mexcian Small Animal Veterinary Medical Association, Puebla, Mexico, May 24 &25, 2003
- Presented 5 hours of lectures on Small Animal Medicine and Surgery at 12th Annual Congress of Mexican Veterinary Medical Association (Canofila Mexicana), Acapulco, Mexico, March 19-22, 2009
Lay Audience Educational Presentations
- Presented annual seminar and demonstration of First Aid, CPR and Emergency Medicine to the City of Miami Police Department (1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986,1987,1988).
- Presented annual seminar and demonstration of First Aid, CPR and Emergency Medicine to the Cities of Hialeah and Miami Shores Police Departments (1981, 1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991).
- Presented two hour lecture to Obedience Club of Greater Miami on Dental Care, (March 1984).
- Presented two hour lecture to Great Dane Breeders Club of Miami on Orthopedic Diseases,(July 1984).
- Presented one day seminar to local breeders and pet shop owners on First Aid and CPR at the Medical Arts Training Center, Margate, Florida, (1988).
- Presented one day seminar to North Star Sled Dog Association-”Field First Aid,” Minneapolis, Minnesota, (July 1993).
- Presented two hour seminar on “Detecting Pet Illness” to King’s Ridge adult community, (Dec. 4th, 2004).
Television Appearances Relating to Veterinary Medicine
- “Something on 17″-WLRN-Discussing aspects of veterinary dental care
1/2 hour program, 1983. - Channel 2-WPBT-Represented South Florida Veterinary Medical Association as President in one hour debate on animal research, (1985).
- “Something Special For Pets”-Channel 17-WLRN-Appeared on one hour talk show discussing aspects of oncology, (1988).
- “Something On 17″-WLRN-Appeared on Y2hour interview discussing responsible pet ownership and intensive care, (1989).
- Channel 26-Appeared on % hour interview discussing care of puppies and kittens, (1989).
- “Something Special for Pets”-Channel 17-WLRN-Appeared on one hour talk show discussing emergency medicine, (1989).
- Appeared on Dynamic Cablevision- (5/21/90) discussing animal hospital services and technology.
- Appeared on WSCV-TV- (5/22/90) 1/2 hour interview show about Parasites and Pets.
- Appeared on WLRN talk show “Something Special For Pets” discussing Flea and Tick Control, (February 4, 1991).
- Appeared on Miavision Cable TV, (April 31, 1992), Channel 13, interviewed about pet care, “El Show de Armando Plata.”
- Appeared on Telemundo’s afternoon talk show-TV Channel 51-Interviewed about cat care, (September 22, 1992).
Radio Shows Relating to Veterinary Medicine
- Hosted weekly one hour radio show from (1986 to 1987) called “Pets Are People Too.” S sponsored by the IAMS Company on WKAT, Radio Miami.
- Appeared on WIOD, (October 1989), The Dave Graveline Radio Show, one hour discussion on Canine Behavior Problems.
- Appeared on WIOD, (March 1990), The Dave Graveline Radio Show, one hour discussion on Euthanasia.
- Interviewed on WQAM-AM, Randy Martin Radio Show, on (May 23, 1990), about Fleas.
- Interviewed on WIOD-AM, Chuck Meyer Radio Show, (May 1990), about pest control.
- Interviewed on WMXJ-FM, Dave Reynolds Radio Show, (May 1990), about flea control.
- Appeared on WFLT radio with Dr. Jan Bellows, (October 18, 1991) for three hour phone in talk show about veterinary care.
- Appeared on WRHC for one hour, interview “Jose Marmol Show,” discussing pet care.
- Interviewed on pay-per-view special on The Amazing Princess Kitty Special aired (June 1, 1997).
Auto-tutorial Units
- Prepared video on pacemaker implantation with Dr. Robert P. Knowles. Presented at (1984) annual Meeting of VECCS.
Special Presentations
- Simultaneous translator for Dr. Maxine Benjamin’s course on Clinical Biochemistry given at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, (July 1 115, 1977).
- Simultaneous translator for Dr. J. J. Kaneco in a short course on clinical pathology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City, (1978).
Publications in Refereed Journals
- Garcia Alcaraz, Carlos and Stone, Ronald W., co-authors, “New Anesthetic For Use in Cats,” Journal of Feline Practice, (Vol. 10, No. 2), (March 1980), (pp. 33-36).
- Stone, Ronald W., “A Protocol For Peritoneal Dialysis,” The Journal of Veterinary Critical Care, (Vol. 8, No. 1), (Winter 1985), (pp. 2-4).
- Stone, Ronald W., “The Use of Gelfoam in Canine Liver Surgery-Does It Cause Abscessation,” Journal of Veterinary Emeraencv & Critical Care, (Vol. 4), (No. 2, Summer 1988), (pp. 7-8).
- Stone, Ronald W., “An Unusual Case of Recurrent Lingual Ulcerations Caused by Squamous Cell Carcinoma,” Journal of Canine Practice, (Vol. 15, No. 4), (November/December 1990), (pp. 23-25).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Clinical Experience With The Use of Jugular Catheters for Canine Heartworm Therapy,” Journal of Canine Practice, (May/June 1992), (Vol. 17/3), (pp. 11-13).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Using Digital Amputation, An Advancement Flap, and Pig Skin to Salvage a Dog’s Foot,” Veterinary Medicine, (June, 1993), (pp. 538-542).
- Stone, Ronald W. and Ward, Ken L., “Establishing Medical Protocols to Facilitate and Improve Delivery of Emergency Veterinary Care,” The Journal of Veterinary Emergencv and Critical Care, (January 1993), (Vol. 2, No. 2), p. 23).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Unexpected Diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma in a Shibu Enu Incidental to Warfarin Intoxication,” Journal of Canine Practice, (Jan/Feb 1993), (Vol. 18, No. 1), (pp. 26-28).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Clinical Updates on the Use of DMSO,” The Journal of Canine Practice, July/August 1993, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 16-19.
- Stone, Ronald W. and Bellows, Jan, “Skin Lesions Secondary to a Fractured Canine Tooth,” Feline Practice, (December 1994).
Publications in Non-refereed Journals
- Stone, Ronald W., “Clinical Use of an Electronic Flea Repelling Collar,” Veterinary Forum, (July 1987, pp. 14-16).
- Knowles, Robert P. and Stone, Ronald W., “The Challenge to Defend the Concept of Veterinary Hospitalization,” Veterinary Forum, (December 1987).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Speaking Out,” AAHA Trends, (April 1988, p. 47).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Little Rest for the Dedicated DVM-The Doctors Midnight of the Soul,” Veterinary Forum, (November 1988, p. 18).
- Stone, Ronald W., “What’s Up Doc?”, Trends, (February 1989, pp. 41-42).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Coming to Terms with Clients about Inpatient Care,” Veterinary Economics, (May 1989, pp. 98-99).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Electronic Collar-Another Alternative to Fighting FleasTests Prove Efficacy,” DVM News Magazine, (August 1989, p. 39).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Who’s the Boss in Your Lab” in Veterinary Forum, (December 1989, pp. 36-37).
- Stone, Ronald W., “True Grit-A Tribute to the Veterinary Surgical Assistant,”
- Staff Magazine, (Vol. 2, No. 1, (January/February 1990, p. 31-33).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Veterinary Medicine the Next Generation,” Trends, (December/January 1989/90, pp. 19-20).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Vet Med Kwan Do-The Martial Art of Practice, Veterinary Forum, (May 1990, pp. 20-21).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Pet Stores and Veterinarians: Building An Alliance,” Pet Business, (June 1990, pp. 20-21).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Critical Care Monitoring,” Veterinary Forum, (July 1990, p. 22).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Struggling for Attention: Emergency and Critical Care,” Veterinary-Forum, (December 1990, p. 32).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Group Practice Survival Requires Common Sense,” Veterinary Forum, (February 1991, pp. 22-24).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Stress Busters, Coping with Our Guilt,” Veterinary Economics, (April 1991, pp. 50-53).
- Lipson, Maurice and Stone, Ronald W., “Pet Store Prejudice,” Pet Veterinarian Magazine, (July/August 1991, pp. 29-30).
- Stone, Ronald W,, “Job Description for the Veterinary Receptionist,” Staff Magazine, (September/October 1991, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 28-29).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Ode to the Veterinary Dentist,” Canine Practice, (March/April 1991, Vol. 16, No. 2.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “A Doctor and a Gentleman,” Veterinary Economics, (April 1992, pp. 24-27.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “How Not to Promote the Profession,” Veterinary :economics, (June 1991, pp. 74-76.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “Diagnostico Incidental de Mieloma Multiple en un Shiba lnu
- Intoxicado con warfarina, Revista Veterinaria AMMVEPE, Numero 5, (Noviembre-Diciembre 1990, pp. 11-12.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “A Legend is Born: The Story of Veterinary Camelot,” Veterinary Forum, (October 1991, p. 5.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “Dialysis Peritoneal y Cistectomia Parcial en un Pit Bull Terrier con Calculos en Vejiga,” Revista Veterinaria AMMX/F=PP,, Numero 5, November-(December 1990, pp. 13-14.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “Implantacion de un Marcapasos Cardiaco Temporal y Permanente en un pastor aleman con un bloqueo cardiaco avanzado,” Revista Veterinaria.AMMVEPE, Numero 1, (Enero-Febrero 1991, p. 9-10.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “Reposicion del Cojinete Metatarsiano Combinado con la Amputacion Digital y Reconstruccion del Cojinete Digital como Tecnica de Salvamento de la Pata del Perro,” Revista Veterinaria AMMVEPF, Numero 1, (Enero-Febrero 1991, pp. )13-14.
- Stone, Ronald W., “Resist the Temptation to Offer’Plan B’,” Veterinary Economics, (October 1991, pp. 22-23).
- Stone, Ronald W., “Preparing for an Emergency,” Pet Care Times, (Fall 1991,.)
- Stone, Ronald W. and Cichewicz, James, “Take Action to Keep Burglars at Bay,”
- Veterinary Economics, (September 1992, pp, 82-85.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “Dogs Can Bite the Hand that Treats Them
- 25 Tips to Safeguard Against Dog Bites,” AAHA Trends Magazine, (Oct/Nov 1991, pp. 3941.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “In The Bag,” Combat Ha zine, (February 1993, pp. 18-19, p. 62.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “Interviewing for Success,” Veteriggry Staff, (May 1992, pp. 28-30.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “Full Service Extinction?” Pet Veterinarian, (January 1992, pp.6-8.)
- Marcus, Robert, and Stone, Ronald W., “How Much Does Pack Disorder Affect Your Clients’ Pets?,” Veterinary Forum, (August 1993, pp. 38-42.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “My Way or the Highway,” Veterinary Economics, (April 1992, p.59.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “Preparing your Clients for Emergencies,” Y2!gfioM Econ.omics, (March 1993, pp. 71-73.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “The Adventures of Rob. N. Hood: A Veterinary Tale,” Veterinary Forum, (March 1992, pp. 88-89.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “Increasing Profitability by Resolving Medical Problems,” Veterinary Staff, Vol. 8, No. 2, (March/April 1996, pp. 23-25.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “Can You Avoid the Temptation of a ‘Quick Fix’,” AAHA Trends magazine, (Aug/Sept 1992, pp. 44-47.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “Educating Your Clients About Reproduction,” Veterinary Economics, (May 1993, pp. 81-83.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “What I Learned From Hurricane Andrew,” Veterinary Forum,(November 1992, pp. 36-37.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “That’s Entertainment,” Veterinary Forum, (December 1992, pp. 54-55.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “Don’t Send the Sick Ones Home,” Veterianry Forum, (March 1993, pp. 88-89.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “Which Way To Go?” The Veterinary Business Journal, Number 1, (April 1994, p. 58.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “Suffering From Guilt,” The Veterinary Business Journal, Number 2, (July 1994.)
- Stone, Ronald W., and Knowles Marc C., “Appointment Ledger, Key to Success,” Veterinarv Staff , (Nov/Dec 1994, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 8-9.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “It’s A Girl! Or What Can DVM’s Learn From MD’s,” Veterinary Economics, (July 1993, pp. 20-24.)
- Stone, Ronald W., “Surgical Prep Guide,” Veterinary Staff, Sept/Oct, 1994.)
- Colon, C., and Stone, Ronald W., “El Entrenamiento de un Assistente de Cirugia,” Revista AMMVEPE, (Mayo/Junio 1994, No, 27, pp. 103-105.)
- Stone, R., and Colon, C., “How to Find and Train Top Surgical Assistants,” Veterinary Forum,( May 1994, pp. 28-32.)
- Stone, R., “About a Dog” (July 2005, Veterinary Economics
- Stone R. , “We need to Hospitalize More Often, Nov 07, Veterinary Economics, p 76)
Publications in Proceedings, Bulletins or Abstracts
- Stone, Ronald W., Knowles, Robert P., et. al., “A Clinical Double Blind Study to Test the Effectiveness of the Elexis Ultrasonic Flea Collar,” Annual Proceedings AAVP, July 1989.
- Stone, Ronald W., Knowles, Robert P., et. al., “Effect of Ultrasound on Flea Activity,” Annual Proceedings of the AAVP, July 1989.
- Stone, Ronald W., “Injerto de Piel de Cerdo en Pequenas Especias,” Memorias del Cong I Mexicano XXI, p. 169.
- Stone, Ronald W., “Utilizacion del Deslizamiento del Cojinete Plantar en Pequenas Especias,” Mem )rias del Conareso Narinnal Mexicano XXI, p. 170.
- Stone, Ronald W., “Urgencias Medicas en Pequenas Especies,” Memorias del IV Convencion de la Asociacion de Medicos Veterinarios Especialistas en Peg,jenas Especies de Guadalaiara, AC. October 1990, pp. 25-94.
- Stone, Ronald W., “Pigskin Grafting in Small Animal Practice,” the Second International Vaterinairy and Critical Cae Sy iposium, San Antonio, Texas, 1990, p. 665.
- Stone, Ronald W., “The Use of Sliding Foot Pad Grafts in Small Animals,” Proceedings of the Second I Veterinary and Critical Care Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, 1990, p. 673.
- Stone, Ronald W., “Current Updates on Clinical Use of DMSO,” the Third Veterinary and Critical Care Symposium, San Antonio, Texas,1992.
Non Professional Works
- Author of fictional novel – “Trail Hand.” Five Star Western, 2006
- Author of fictional novel – “Back With A Vengeance”, Publish America, 2010 Author of fictional novel – “A Very Shiny Nose”, Publish America. .2010
- Author of fictional novel – “Ride into Trouble”, Publish America, 2011
- Regular contributor to “World Martial Arts Magazine” (online) as sports writer.
- Editor of Lifeline, newsletter of the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society, 1986 to September 1990.
- Interview in Veterinary Practice Magazine, 1988-1989, p. 68.
- Interview in Veterinary Practice Magazine, Summer/Fall 1989, p. 33.
- Interview in DVM News -magazine, June 1990, p. 54,
- Interview in DVM Newsmaaazine, October 1992, p. 19.
- Interview in November 1991 Topics in Veterinary Medicine.
- Interview in Local section of The Miami Herald, Saturday, January 18, 1992 about cold weather tips.
- Interview in PetFancy, January 1994, p. 16.
- Interview in Student Advisor. Smith Kline Beecham Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1994, pp. 1-4.
- Interview in Dog Gone, Vol. 2, No. 5, September 1994.
- Official Veterinarian for the South Florida Pet Show, 1992, 1993.
- Commentary in DVM Newsmagazine, January 1993.
- Interviewed in Wilmette Life, Wilmette, Illinois, about Hurricane Andrew, September 10, 1993, pp. 5-10.
- Interview in Money Magazine, April 1994, p. 148.
- Interview in Dog Fancy, January 1994, pp. 26-27.
- Interview in The Miami Herald, “Hurricanes: How to Prepare and Recover,” Universal Press, 1995, pp. 63-64.
- Official Veterinarian for the Hound Dog Derby, (a Pedigree@ sponsored sporting event) Miami, June 1992.
- Podcast interview DVM 360. November 2, 2009
- As an associate to Dr. Robert P. Knowles (who was a charter diplomate ACVS and Distinguished Member National Academy of Practice), from April 1980 through June 1985 1 was responsible for hospital staff supervision and organization of the surgical department. Acted as attending veterinarian and participated in preparation of hospital protocol manuscripts.
- Bilingual – fluent in English and Spanish.
- From 1988 through 1991 served as Veterinary Medical Director of a State Approved Veterinary Assisting Program in Margate, Florida. This included establishing curriculum, supervision of instructors, community liaison work, and lectures for students (Medical Arts Training Center).
- Elected Director of Veterinary Operations for Florida Hurricane Pet Aid, a tricounty emergency veterinary relief effort, during the August Hurricane Andrew Emergency Phase (approximately two weeks). Later served as Veterinary Representative to the health committee of governmental “We Will Rebuild Miami” project.
- Member of Dade County’s Animal Disaster Response Team. 1993-2001